George + Jessica | Bartow, Florida Wedding

“Longer than there’ve been fishes in the ocean
Higher than any bird ever flew
Longer than there’ve been stars up in the heavens
I’ve been in love with you
I am in love with you.”

-Dan Fogelberg

Whew! I can’t believe July is already more than halfway over. This summer has been so busy for me, and I could not be more thankful for that! I’ve gotten to share so many special moments with so many old and new client-friends and it has been so amazing!

Last November I was lucky enough to capture Kayla and Johnnie’s wedding and had such a blast getting to know them and their family. So, when I was asked to photographer Johnnie’s brother George’s wedding to the beautiful Jessica, I was obviously ecstatic. One of the absolute best parts of my job (if you can even call it that) is getting to know all these wonderful people. One of the things you may not realize about us photographers is that we do not forget these days. We don’t go home, edit the pictures, and then never think about it again. We think about them over and over. Not only is every single one a learning experience, but they are also a day where we meet people who impact our lives. We cry with you during the father-daughter dance, and cheer with you when your best girlfriend catches the bouquet, you may even catch us dancing behind our cameras. We watch your grandparents dance and think to ourselves how blessed we are to get to witness so much love in one room. I know I speak for all of us when I say, we do not take the privilege of telling your wedding story lightly. For some of us, it’s really what we live for.

Now that I’ve gotten myself all emotional, back to this wedding day! George and Jessica were obviously just as great as I expected them to be. Their wedding party was a blast and so sweet and friendly. It was so fun to watch them all interact with each other. And let me tell you about their reception…SO. MUCH. DANCING…and I LOVED it! At one point, George was even thrown in the air by all the other male guests (scroll down to see, it’s great!).

George and Jessica, thank you again for inviting me into your day. I can’t wait to see where your love story takes you!