Julie + Kyle Colorado Wedding | Silverthorne Wedding Photography

“How long will I give to you?
As long as I live through you
However long you say.

How long will I love you?
As long as stars are above you
And longer, if I may.”

-The Waterboys


Hey you guys, I went to COLORADO! Ugh, I’ve been wanting to go there to photograph a wedding for so long and so when Julie asked me if I would come photograph her and Kyle’s wedding I was so excited. Julie was one of my best friends in high school (so this blog will be a little more personal) and I am so lucky that she is in my life still. Our friendship has survived college, several moves over several states, and this week I got to meet her beautiful baby girl and watch her become a wife. It’s the kind of friendship where we may not get to see each other often, but when we do, it’s like time hasn’t even passed.

It’s hard to say what my favorite part of this wedding weekend was, but one part that will stick with me for maybe ever, was the moment right after Julie’s dad walked her down the aisle. As a photographer I get to be up close and personal to so many parts of life and hear things not everyone gets to. This was one of those moments. Kyle was hugging his new father-in-law and said, “Thank you so much for letting me marry your daughter. It’s the best gift I could ever receive.” And that’s when I knew that my friend’s heart was safe with Kyle.

Kyle, thank you for making Julie so happy. She and Kennedy are so very lucky to be loved by you.

Julie, thank you for being my friend and always one of my biggest supporters. Kyle and Kennedy are so very lucky to be loved by YOU.

Also, thank you to all of Kyle + Julie’s friends and family for welcoming me with such open arms. You are all SO very wonderful and I hope to see you all again soon!